What is anal sex and how to practice it safely

What is anal sex and how to practice it safely

Anal sex is a sexual practice that consists of introducing the penis (or a sex toy in case of anal masturbation) into the anus or rectum of the partner. Besides humans, this practice is known to exist among primates and other mammals. Since the Middle Ages, anal sex has been considered a taboo. Over the centuries…

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Protocol for action against Coronavirus COVID-19

Protocol for action against Coronavirus COVID-19

Important information for our customers Now that we are back to providing our services, we would like to share with you the measures taken to extreme hygiene and care of both our therapists and our massage center. These are the measures we are going to take: 1 Single-use disposable materialWe will use disposable materials such as sheets,…

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The most erotic places in Madrid

The most erotic places in Madrid

In this post we discuss the most erotic places in Madrid. Madrid is currently one of the capitals of reference for worldwide tourism and has been recently becoming “hot and spicy”. There are many activities that our city offers us to enjoy it as a couple, if what we are looking for is to get out of the…

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Are naturism and nudism the same?

Are naturism and nudism the same?

Naturism is the ‘doctrine that recommends using natural agents for the conservation of health and the treatment of diseases’, according to the Academic Dictionary. In addition, it is used for the ‘doctrine that defends the return to nature as a way of living‘. On the other hand, nudism refers to the ‘attitude or behaviour of those who defend…

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