Tantric Sex : Four Recommended Positions

Tantric Sex : Four Recommended Positions

What are the best positions to begin in Tantric sex for couples?   Practicing the techniques of Tantra allows, through a series of positions, exercises and massages, to apply Tantric knowledge to the art of making love.  And to experience not only as a search of genital pleasure.  But as a way to Tantric orgasm, ecstasy and, ultimately spiritual sexuality.   This is about enjoying contact with your partner, both physical and mentally.

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Polyamory, Swinging and Open Relationships

Sometimes a lot of people think about a lot of things that are different from what they know but do not actually know they are already in existence. However, it is important to note that there are a lot of other different relationship styles that are in existence even though they may not even be popular. Because they are not…

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Beyond the G spot

Beyond the G spot

The G Spot and Pleasure Spots.   These spots are well known, pleasurable spots that are located in the genital area, in both men and women.   On this occasion we would like to talk about those areas that are just as exciting or more, and tend to be fore gotten, paying little or no attention to stimulating these areas when we are…

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Tantra and women G spot

Tantra and women G spot

The Grafenberg spot or women G spot famously known is a small area of the female genitals located halfway between the back of the pubic bone and the cervix. It is detected as a small bump that swells as it is stimulated, and is, more pleasant, more sought after and most desired female body’s erogenous zone.   Most women know…

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