Sensual Massage

Try our sensual massage, a very sensitive and stimulating massage with essential oils which will transport you to a new state of relaxation.

In this receiving massage we work with the body in a holistic way by stimulating all its energetic points or chakras, as well as all your senses.

The techniques that characterize this sensitive massage are those of the Hawaiian massage and lomi-lomi massage, where through the use of the hands and forearms a surrounding dance is created all over the body.

For Luxor Madrid, our sensual massage is an erotic massage full of caresses, complexity and pleasure where the desire and arousal will progressively rise arriving to a final climax in which you will experience much more intense sensations than usual.

tantra massage madrid

Your therapists will wrap you in a world of sensations that will delight your body and mind.

Being a receiving massage, the erotic charge of this massage is also less than in any of our body-to-body massages.

Even so, if you wish to try the most sensual massage without our body-to-body massages starring technique, do not worry, as our therapists are perfectly trained to provide a relaxing and sensitive massage with highest quality.

If you feel shy or is your first time receiving an erotic massage, it is possible that our sensual massage is a good start to get deep into the pleasant world of Tantric massages.

DurationPriceNature version Price
60 minutes120€n/d