Lesbian massage
Massage and other relaxation techniques offers a lot of benefits to the body and this have never been in doubt. In fact, Massage has been recognised and proved beyond any reasonable doubt that it is has a lot of benefits to both men and women. A lot of massage therapies exists today and this include tantric massages which surprisingly has seen a surge in popularity in recent times especially in the more liberal western societies. However, tantric massages are not just like the common types of massage, it is sensual but also has a deeper meaning attached to it rather than just about being for sexual arousal and satisfaction alone. Tantric massages aims at giving complete relaxation plus the awakening of senses.
However, it is important to note that the arousal and satisfaction part in this kind of massages is just like a bonus. Massages like tantric type for instance are normally combined with other exercises and this tends to deliver some sweet pleasure, great relaxation and enjoyment.
There are a lot of massages techniques. There are lingam, yoni and prostate massage which from part of the whole tantric massage. It is important to note that Lingam massage is a type of tantric massage which focuses on the male genitals. The word Lingam is simply an ancient tantric term that describes the penis. It is a type of massage that focuses on male genitals in which the giver uses a combination of gips and strokes. Lingam actually helps a man in the expansion of his ability to receive pleasure and feel all the layers of different kind of sensation and enjoyment in the body. In lingam massage, man can feel aroused and not just in the penis area but all over the body because the sensation gets round all over.

What is Yoni massage for lesbians like?
Then there is Yoni massage which is the massaging of the vagina considered to be sacred and an area that is worshipped in body of a woman. One thing about the Yoni massage is that it normally goes beyond the pure physical touch and the goal is for the receiver and the giver to connect in such a way that gives the receiver the opportunity to relax while getting satisfaction and happiness. In yoni Lesbian massage, it is not out of place to have some sexual arousal and orgasm as it can be considered as part of the total package.
Note that the goal is not necessarily to get an orgasm but the goal is mostly for women to learn about their sensuality and sexuality and awaken her sexual energy.
The most challenge a lot of men and women face when it comes to yoni or lingam massage is the inability to let go and just focus on receiving. A man or woman can only give up their control when he feels very safe and have total trust in the person giving the massage. For this reason, tantric massage whether yoni or lingam is done by professionals and not just by anyone. There are People who are trained to perform or give these kinds of massage and they know exactly how to make it work and how they can earn their trust. Places where you can find these professionals include well-equipped massage centers and not just in any massage parlour.
Tantra for Lesbian Women
Massages as mentioned above can be done by a man to a woman or vice versa. However, it can also be done by people of the same sex known as gays or lesbians. When it comes to sexuality, lesbians are far less liberated than they tend to believe because they end up having to live according to the society norms, rules as well as taboos. In addition, there is also a possibility that even the most open minded lovers can always learn new and exciting things that can open them to additional pleasure.
Tantra for lesbians is a situation where a woman gives and a woman revives the massage. This can help them find new ways to have inner peace, love and how to touch and to be touched.
In lesbian erotic massage, couples can also learn about the spiritual side of tantra since it also helps in the understanding of the deep meaning of the process and therapy. However, this is not really compulsory as lesbian couples can get the massage and acquire these experiences which are not easily forgotten. Lesbian massage is offered by couples or at top class massage centers where female therapists give quality massage to other women and lesbian couples.

What is Tantra for Lesbians?
To make it clear, erotic Lesbian massage is a sensual massage. However, it is important to understand that unlike most type of massages, the lesbian massage is done without anywhere known as “forbidden parts”. This means that all parts of the female body are massaged by her fellow woman including her scared parts.
The purpose of this massage is normally to achieve complete relaxation but this does not mean that there could not be any sexual excitement during the session. In fact, sexual arousal and excitement is perfectly normal in a lesbian massage. Another thing to note is that lesbian massages can lead to orgasm but this is not actually the goal. While there is actually nothing wrong in having an orgasm during the massage session, it is important for receiver to always not expect an orgasm.
Preparing for a Lesbian Massage
All tantric massages whether, lingam, yoni, prostrate, lesbian massages have the same method of preparation. The right preparation is the first step to get and give a good and memorable massage and it must be done properly. However, the first step will be to create a very relaxing environment and then create a safe and soothing space. Creating a soothing space is important. It allows or the total relaxation of the woman as well as allow her become open to receiving an unlimited pleasure. When creating the required space, the following should be considered.
Making the Intention Clear Enough
Even though the giver and the receiver in this case are both women, It is still important to have both of them in a very relaxed mood and have their intention totally aligned. It is also very essential for both the receiver and the giver to fully understand that this kind of massage is not really about getting to the finish line. At this point, it shouldn’t be about judging one’s body or comparing the both bodies. However, what this massage is expected to do is to actually give the woman the opportunity in learning how they can open up their inner channel in a way that allows her feelings and emotions connected at deeper level in order to take total control of their sexuality.
Get Correct Settings for Environment
What this does is to ensure that the people involved in this massage are not bothered by their personal worries but have shed them off to focus on the experience that they are about to get. Since women love soft and tender things, decorating the area with coloured romantic lights and putting some romantic music will not be a bad idea. Get the right temperature for the area as this can aid relaxation. Remember room temperature must not be hot or cold but just warm for better experience.

Ensure that Mindset is Aligned and Assure Safety
Even though both the giver and the receiver are women, it is not surprising to see some shyness among women too. The reality is that it is not that easy for someone to get entirely naked and have their body and genitals massage by another person even though they are of the same gender. This is because for some women, it could actually be the first time of getting touched in such a manner especially for new lesbians and this could be lead to tension at the early stages.
What is required is that the giver be patient and understanding enough to allow him the time to adjust, comprehend and learn to let go. In most cases, it may not be a wise decision to jump into the massage immediately. Instead it may be better to start with a full body massage in order for the woman to open and get the tense muscles released plus getting the energy flowing.
Get the Right Massage Oil
Getting the right massage oil is very important. However you have to be careful with massage oils as most people prefer it to be warm during the massage. To make it warm, you can place it on a hot water but be sure it does not get hot else it can burn the skin and ruin the massage experience for everyone. Coconut oil is the most recommend for lesbian massage but there are other good ones and it goes down to choice.
Other things that must be adequately available before the start of the massage include towels, candles, glass of water and other things that may be desired by the receiver.
Tips on How to Have Her Squirming with Pleasure
The best way to start a lesbian tantric massage session is probably to have a warm shower. This will come with some strokes all over the body and set the stage for what is to come. Then ensure there is an eye contact in the process as it communicates tenderness and love. After taking a shower, dry each other with a soft towel and then the giver ushers the receiver to the warm massage room for the task ahead. Do not go to the privates first, it is better to start with the other part of the body like leg, breasts, tummy and back and then watch the body language as it unfolds.
In lesbian massage, you may need to do some strokes. Normally slow and sensual strokes will feel more erotic and provide more pleasure to the receiver. Ensure the strokes that are moving up and down the body are done in a gentle manner. The combination of all these strokes will help the receiver to relax properly and open up.
Maintain a total control of your heart and hands during the massage as it dish out love and care to the receiver. You can always use your breath to magnify the energy in your hands. It is also important to let the receiver understand that breathing into her belly will help the energy to move. In lesbian massage, enough time is spent on the breast as it is one of the pleasure points of a woman’s sexuality.
It will be nice to end the massage with a full yoni massage. At this point, you need to bring in massage oils to help make it pleasurable. This stage required that you massage her genitals as done in a yoni massage.

Tantra Lesbian Massages in Madrid
Madrid the capital of Spain is one of the most liberal cities in the world. The liberal nature of the city ensures that the LGBT community is free to have unlimited fun as they wish to have. For this reason, there are thriving massage center in the city where tantric massage are offered to customers. These types of massages include Tantric yoni lesbian massages where female therapists massage their female clients.
Lesbian tantra massage is thriving in Madrid and one of the massage centers where lesbian massages can be experienced is the Luxor Madrid. It is a top notch and popular massage center in the heart of Madrid. It offers variety of massage therapy for individuals and couples with trained massage therapists that would give you unlimited doses of pleasure.
Tantra Lesbian massage helps to stimulate the entire female body and it is not strictly for lesbians as most people think. Women who are not lesbians or bisexuals are also permitted to enjoy a lesbian massage. Regardless of sexual orientation, women derive a whole lot of pleasure in lesbian massage in Madrid.