Best Massage Parlors in New York

There are moments when nothing can make the cut other than laying back to receive stimulating, sensational human touches. And that can’t be less-true in a bustling city like New York, where restlessness and exertion is the order of the day. However, the quality of the massage and the scene where it unfolds is critical to the massage experience in New York.

The standards you should look out for in the massage is effective dynamic intensity, skillfulness, and sensitivity to your emotional and sensual needs. And the standard for the environment is great ambiance, exquisite decor, maximum capacity policy, and excellent facilities such as dipping pools, acupressure devices, etc, which are all combined to make you feel like you’ve stepped into another world away from the bustling city when you make it into the spot. What follows is a rundown of the 10 best massage parlors in New York city that tick the boxes of the aforementioned criteria and offer a variety of services that can make time soar past imperceptibly:

New York City massages

1. Ease NY

The ambiance and mien in this spot is warm and inviting, and wraps you up in a setting free from the bustles of the city. It is run by a group of insightful, amiable Japanese. The founder, Shizaku “Shico” Moriwaki, developed the proprietary ease Therapy®, which is a holistic treatment which fuses the most effective elements of Eastern and Western therapies together. The Western elements are techniques for harnessing the healing power of oil and energies, while the Eastern elements incorporated include Shiatsu and Anma, which are systems for manipulating pressure points and meridians. This therapy has brought Ease NY a wave of clamoring clients from diverse ethnicities and nationalities, and has helped the parlor bag the prestigious Best Massage Award from New York City search. The original and distinctive experience you’ll get in this spot is rich, wholesome and decongesting.

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NYC Panoramic

2. Eastside Massage Therapy

Although this spot doesn’t really fly high in terms of lighting and decor when compared to the others in this list, it has maintained a solid, formidable reputation for dispelling stress and pain in the Upper East Side for over 30 years. It has endeared countless clients over the years with its highly effective massage therapists and pocket-friendly prices. The spot offers a quality time for consultations prior to the massage, so clients can get to talk to the therapists about their peculiar physical and emotional needs beforehand.

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Jets in NYC

3. Melt Massage

This is a great massage parlor because it abhors one-size-fits-all services and vies to treat every client in a unique way. They don’t just leave clients on their own to make choices of the most suitable treatment. This massage and bodywork studio deploys a rich variety of therapy techniques to offer clients bespoke treatments. In addition, the spot offers yoga, Pilates and childbirth education classes.

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Bridge in NYC

4. Great Jones Spa

This is another one of the most popular spas in New York. You get to prime yourself in a soak or steam before you take up your position for your massage to roll in. The spot offers a great deal of therapy techniques, including deep tissue, Thai, reflexology types, and hot stone. There’s also a luring in-house juice bar to offer you more ways of refreshing yourself in this spot. You can expect your experience in this spot to bring relief to a heavy mind, overworked joints and strained muscle tissues.

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New York City skyscraper

5. Renew Day Spa

With a holistic focus on both the mind, body and soul, this spot vies to facilitate wholesome relaxation and healing. The Renew Day Spa is an ace when it comes to body work and foot reflexology. When you turn up in here, you can expect to ditch muscle aches and cramps, degongest your mind thoughts and reinvigorate your physical wellbeing.

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Ship in New York City

6. Ohm Spa & Lounge

Located four floors above the beehive of the Midtown South marketplace, the Ohm Spa & Lounge is the perfect place for a getaway after searching for good sample deals. The atmosphere here is seductive and relaxing, and you won’t find it hard to let yourself go in this place. You’ll also find it easier to let yourself go because you’ll get to discuss your peculiar physical and emotional needs to your therapist before the massage kicks off. The spot also offers a wide array of massage types to suit your unique physical needs.

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Winter in NYC

7. SKN

This alluring, ultramodern skincare facility, located in the heart of Hell’s Kitchen, is indisputably first-rate. With an exotic interior and lush patio, it transports your mind and body into an epic, rejuvenating getaway from the bustling city. You get to soak up the reinvigorating effects of the masterstrokes of highly dexterous masseuses. The crown jewel of the experience here is the conspicuously radiant skin that’ll accompany you as you depart.

The skincare treatments you can get here are nearly peerless. The massages, cosmetic and hair removal are all clinically customized to suit the unique needs of each client.

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Brooklyn massages

8. Metamorphosis Day Spa

This is a purely heavenly spot for those seeking urban escape, tranquility and relaxation. Located in the heart of Manhattan, this spa is famed through out the city for its remarkable services. It has received acclaims from many popular beauty and fitness magazines around the globe. With a team of well-versed professionals, it offers a wide assortment of quality facials and massages. In here, you can expect to receive an holistic health and beauty treatment in an enchanting setting.

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NYC at night

9. Bliss Spa

Owned by the producers of baby-blue lotion products, this spa chain, which is open in other locations like the Hoboken, the Waldorf Astoria hotel, and Soho, can help transform your physical pains into scintillating sensations through bespoke massages. The spot offers an impressive array of massage therapies, including targeted massages that address specific unruly sites, body-melting head-to-toe massage, reflexology types, sport massages, and lots more.

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Architectura in NYC streets

10. Exhale Meatpacking

This parlor, couched inside the Gansevoort Hotel, features a number of subterranean treatment rooms that convey the quintessence of the spa’s name. Their main attraction is their proprietary Exhale Flow massage, which is a special version of the deep tissue massage that uses lesser intensity yet leads to more effective lymphatic drainage and detoxification.

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