Olympus Massage

In Luxor Madrid we always want to offer our clients the most innovative and exciting massages that fulfill their highest desires, for it we have created the Olympus Massage.

This massage will be one-hour long which will be divided into two massages of half an hour each, along with two of our spectacular therapists.

It starts with the first therapist who will offer a magnificent interactive massage where the therapist will try to stimulate the erogenous areas leaving you totally relaxed and flooded in a sea of feelings where pleasure will slowly take possession of you.

The moment where excitement and eroticism reach its highest point everything will start over again with a second therapist who will enter the scene, so you can enjoy the wide experience and sensuality of two different therapists.

tantric massage madrid

This erotic massage combines the techniques of our Body to Body massage , using the techniques of Tantric massage and our Luxor massage  with double genital stimulation, in this case two completely different stimulations from the professional hands of two therapists.

Feel like a God of the ancient Olympus, worshipped by our beautiful therapists, either male or female.

In this massage you have the possibility of making your biggest desires come true: no shyness, no shame, and no taboos.

You will not find anything like it; do not hesitate to try this massage, the Olympus of pleasures.

DurationPriceNature version price
60 minutes260€320€
90 minutes390€480€
120 minutes520€640€
If you wish, you can also elevate your Paradise massage experience to another level, combining it with our Paradise massage!
DurationPriceNature version price
60 minutes450€550€
90 minutes675€825€
120 minutes900€1100€

Olympus Massage, the best tantric massage in Madrid

Welcome to Luxor Madrid, your special place for the best massage experiences. Here, we focus on making you feel brand-new through unique and refreshing massages.

At Luxor Madrid, we’re all about bringing you the best and most refreshing massages. Our team is made up of the best massage therapists who love what they do.

They mix traditional massage techniques with new methods to make sure every bit of stress leaves your body. It’s much more than just a massage; it’s a way to make your body and mind feel totally at peace and full of new energy.

Our Olympus Massage — this is a new massage that blends the best of both worlds: feeling good and getting health benefits. This special massage is our masterpiece, created to take your massage experience to the next level.

It’s about feeling the warmth and care in every touch and finding a new kind of relaxation you’ve never felt before. Olympus Massage is your ticket to exploring the highest levels of calm and joy.

Experience a tantric massage in Madrid

The Olympus Massage Experience

The Olympus Massage Experience is like a mini-vacation, designed to give you a deep sense of calm. It’s split into two parts to make sure your whole body gets attention and care.

What makes this experience special is the use of two skilled therapists working together. In the first half, one therapist focuses on your upper body – your shoulders, neck, and back. They use gentle moves to loosen any tight spots and help you let go of the stress you’ve been carrying around.

Then, in the second half, another therapist comes in to work on your lower body. With both therapists working at the same time, it feels like every part of you is being cared for at once. This teamwork approach means they can do more to help you relax and feel refreshed.

A Unique Erotic Massage

Experience a divine level of relaxation and pleasure with our unique erotic massage that skilfully blends various techniques for a sublime experience.

This luxurious massage merges the body-to-body approach, the ancient arts of Tantric massage, and our exclusive Luxor massage, which features a dual genital stimulation carried out by the expert hands of two distinct therapists.

Embrace the opportunity to be treated like a deity from the revered heights of ancient Olympus. Our talented therapists, who can be either male or female according to your preference, will devote themselves to your worship and indulgence.

This massage offers you the ultimate freedom to explore your deepest desires without hesitation, embarrassment, or restrictions. There are no taboos here, just a path to achieving your greatest pleasures and unlocking fantasies.

Tantric massage ritual in Madrid

Health Benefits of Olympus Massage

The Olympus massage is a special kind of massage that helps people feel better in many ways. It uses different moves to not just help you relax but also to make your body work better. Here are some main benefits you can get from an Olympus massage:

Pain Relief

One great thing about this massage is it helps take away pain. It works on specific spots where you hurt and relaxes the tight muscles, making you feel less discomfort. If you keep getting this massage, you might notice you feel less pain over time, making it easier to move around and do your daily activities.

Better Circulation

The Olympus massage helps your blood move better around your body. This is important because good blood flow helps heal wounds faster and keeps your body running smoothly. When your blood can move freely, it brings more oxygen and nutrients to your cells, and this can help you feel more energetic and get better faster if you’re hurt.

Increased Flexibility

Being able to move easily and without pain is important, especially if you’re active. The Olympus massage can make you more flexible by stretching and gently moving your muscles. This means you can move more freely without worrying about hurting yourself. It’s a good way to keep your body ready for all kinds of activities.

Stress Alleviation

Mental well-being is crucial for a balanced, healthy life, and the Olympus massage offers a holistic approach to maintain and enhance psychological health. One of the primary benefits of this specialised therapy is stress alleviation.

By targeting specific pressure points and using soothing techniques, the Olympus massage helps reduce the production of stress hormones such as cortisol, leading to a state of deep relaxation and inner peace. This decrease in stress levels can significantly improve your mood and overall sense of well-being.

Sleep Quality

Poor sleep quality, a common issue for many, can also be addressed through Olympus massage. The calming effect of the massage not only helps in faster onset of sleep but also enhances the depth and quality of sleep.

This is especially beneficial for those dealing with insomnia or other sleep disturbances. By promoting relaxation, the massage helps regulate the body’s sleep-wake cycle, making it easier to both fall asleep and stay asleep through the night.

Mental Clarity

Additionally, mental clarity is another significant benefit of the Olympus massage. In today’s fast-paced world, mental fatigue can easily cloud our ability to think and focus.

 The massage techniques used in Olympus massage can reduce cognitive stress and help clear the mind. This sharpening of focus can improve productivity, enhance creativity, and make daily tasks more manageable.

Olympus massage in Madrid

How This Massage Can Help Your Immune System

The Olympus massage does more than just help your mind relax; it also makes your body stronger against germs. This massage helps your body move lymph around better. Lymph is a fluid that helps fight off sickness, and when it moves better, your body does a better job of keeping you healthy.

By gently pushing and moving in a way that helps this fluid flow, the massage helps your body’s natural defense system work better, making you less likely to get sick and helping you feel strong and well.

Cleaning Out Toxins

Another great thing about the Olympus massage is that it helps get rid of bad stuff from your body. This kind of massage helps your body clean out toxins, or bad particles that can make you feel tired or sick. With special massage moves, it makes blood flow better and helps your body’s cleaning system, the lymphatic system, and wash out waste.

This cleaning process is good for your health, makes your skin look brighter, and gives you more energy. By getting rid of these toxins, your body can work better, making you feel refreshed and full of life.

The Olympus massage is not just good for calming your mind, but it’s also great for making your body healthier. It helps you fight off sickness and keeps your body free of toxins, making it a full-body care practice that makes you feel better all over.

Integrative Wellness

Integrative wellness is all about taking care of your whole self – both body and mind. Here’s how Olympus Massage plays a big part in this kind of full-circle health.

Holistic Approach

Olympus Massage is a complete package. It doesn’t just look at one part of you; it sees the whole picture. By combining the benefits for both your physical body and your mental health, it supports you feeling good all over. Think of it as a team effort where easing your muscles and calming your mind work together to make you feel your best.

Preventive Aspect

One of the best things about Olympus Massage is how it helps keep you feeling good before anything goes wrong. It’s like having a guardian that keeps an eye on your vitality and helps dodge health problems before they catch you. By staying on top of stress, sleep, and immunity, regular massages can be your ally in staying energetic and healthy.

Life Quality

Making Olympus massage a regular part of your routine is like taking a big step towards a better way of living. Just imagine feeling more relaxed, sleeping better, and having fewer aches and pains. It’s not just about fixing problems when they pop up; it’s about living your daily life at a higher level of happiness and comfort. With each session, you’re paving the way for a life filled with more joy and less stress.

Tantric massage Madrid

Feel like a god with this incredible erotic massage

We’re excited to invite you to try out this amazing Olympus massage for yourself. It’s like a mini-vacation for your mind and body, and it’s a great way to take care of yourself. At Luxor Madrid, we’ve created a peaceful place where you can take a break, feel refreshed, and come out feeling stronger and more peaceful.

Come and experience the Olympus Massage. Let it lift you up and bring more calm and energy into your life. Start your path to feeling great all the time with us here at Luxor Madrid, where everything is about making you feel like you’re living in luxury.