Tantra massage techniques have been written and practiced for ages, and the most important part of tantra massage is understanding Chakras. Which are vital energies centred at six different centres of the body. The embracing of these chakras and using the tantra massage can liberate one from its hold. If you want to enjoy a liberating and amazing massage, tantra is the experience you want to indulge in. The massage offers an intimate touch and comfortable holds for your sexual energy.
Chakras, on the other hand, are better to understand so you can better experience tantra massage at Luxor Madrid. Chakras are defined as globes of energy within the human body that offer spiritual awareness and healing according to ancient Hindu scripts. It can be understood as chakra being the spiritual part and tantra being the embrace of the physical realm. Both go hand in hand.

Chakra and its connection to Tantra
The energy of everybody is described in chakras, which are the centre of six different parts, and each activates a certain personality trait or the blocked energy. The use of spiritual awareness can liberate you, but the tantra, being the physical form of chakra, is important to lighten up the chakras for both spiritual awareness and physical empowerment.
Chakra Origin
According to the oldest Sanskrit scripts, chakras are defined as wheels or disks, which are now understood as spinning vortices of energy located along the spine. These energy vortices have different qualities and associated elements, which, when liberated, can help a person in different dimensions of life.
These chakras have been written about in ancient Indian texts of Vedas and later explored and refined in the texts of Upanishads. The use of tantra helps liberate these chakras, which hold specific qualities, elements, and features of different aspects of human experience.

The Six-Chakra System
According to ancient texts of Sanskrit, it has been observed that every practitioner and spiritualist recognises different numbers of chakras, but the most common number of chakras recognised are six. At the same time, six chakras can be split into seven as well. However, the six-chakra system has been recognised by almost all spiritualists.
- Root Chakra (Muladhara). This chakra is to root the person firmly. It represents grounding, stability, and our connection to the physical world.
- Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana). Using the chakra of svadhisthana liberates the inner creativity, sexuality, and emotional well-being of the person.
- Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura). This chakra extracts the personal abilities of a person, such as the personal power, confidence, and transformative energy that a person holds within themselves.
- Heart Chakra (Anahata). This chakra helps liberate a person from the shackles they have created for themselves. This chakra is associated with love, compassion, and emotional balance.
- Throat Chakra (Vishuddha). One of the most important chakras is that of the throat; it helps in a person’s communication and vocals. It is associated with communication, self-expression, and authentic voice.
- Crown Chakra (Sahasrara). This chakra helps people become aware of their surroundings as it is associated with higher consciousness and divine energy.
The seventh chakra is the Third Eye Chakra (Ajna). It is usually considered the very last of chakra energy and is a mandatory part of tantra, which is why it is not considered a separate chakra but entwined with the crown chakra. This is linked to intuition, perception, and spiritual insight.

Chakras in the Traditional Tantra
In ancient India, tantra was and still is considered a spiritual and philosophical traditional practice. It offers deep awareness and spiritual enlightenment. The main aim of tantra, according to ancient scripts, is the opening of the eye to the unique perspective on the nature of reality and human experiences. Understanding tantra can enhance human aspects of living in every dimension. It is not just associated with sex; rather, it is a holistic approach to life where sex and sexuality play a major role.
Kundalini Energy
Ancient Sanskrit texts rely on nature and explain every experience with an example of a natural phenomenon or animal. Similarly, the Kundalini energy is explained as a snake or, more precisely, as a serpent. This energy is coiled up like a serpent and sits at the base of the spine. It coils within itself the energy of life, spiritual illumination, and self-realization. This serpent is heated with energy and is waiting to rise. The chakras are used in tantric practice to ascend this serpent and allow it to release its potential as energy.
The goal of the tantric practice is to awaken this serpent and guide this potent energy through the help of chakras to be properly circulated and held within. This energy is very important in chakras, and in tantric practice, it helps to maintain the energy flow and harmony of the physical and spiritual realms.
Chakras as Gateways
To understand the chakras in tantric practice, imagine the body being a reserve of water, and there are six different chambers that are flowing, but the water is not flowing properly; rather, it is dripping. The tantric practice helps each gate to open properly, and the water starts to flow into the reserve and is distributed to the entire reservoir.
Tantra works the same way on chakras on the spine; it activates and balances these energy centres. The kundalini energy is allowed to be properly channelled through these energy gates. The gates offer levels of awareness and the expansion of spiritual understanding. As the chakras are activated, it expands the mind, body, and spirit.

Chakra Activation in Tantric Practices
The awareness of chakras is divine knowledge, but to activate these chakras, you need certain practices and rituals to achieve higher consciousness and awareness. The tantric practice offers the activation of chakras and the liberation of blocked energy for a better human experience.
Breath-work and Visualisation
The activation of the chakras requires active participation and focus. A tantric practitioner requires a deep focus on the visualisation of the chakra that needs to be activated. The visualisation helps to tap into the chakra and slowly expand it. This visualisation is achieved by different breathing practices.
The practitioner incorporated different pranayama into the practice, and it helps to awaken the direct energy through the chakras. Specific breathing patterns are called pranayama, and they help maintain the focus on the specific chakra. The longer the focus remains, the higher the consumption of direct energy. These practices take years and proper visualization. This practice helps in promoting balance and vitality.
Mantras and Sound Vibration
Another important practice in chakra activation, along with visualization and breathing, is the mantras and the sound vibrations they make. The mantras such as om are not for aesthetic reasons. Rather, they add to the visualization and deepen the focus.
At the same time, the vibrations from these mantras help in the activation of the chakras. It is an important tantric practice for self-discovery and transformation. The chanting of the mantra not only activates the chakra but also aligns and resonates with it. Once the frequencies of the mantra match that of the chakra, it becomes homogenous and keeps expanding until it takes over.
Rituals and Sacred Practices
Every practice requires a set of rules and a proper place. The environment adds to the ritual and its effect. It is important to respect each practice and the rules for the ritual. As for the tantric practice, the main practice is mindfulness and intention.
If you are open to what is to come and your intentions are pure, you will for sure tap into the chakra energy. The ritual for tantra requires hand gestures that are symbols called mudras. Each chakra calls for different mudras and a different ceremonial object. Usually, crystals are involved in power housing the energy centres.

Use of Chakras and Tantra for Transformation
The aim of any ritual or practice is to provide self-transformation to a better version. The role of tantric practices and the sex set of chakras are similar. They help in tapping into the energy that helps to transform every aspect of the human experience.
Liberation of Blocked Energy
The natural energy is already present in our body. These chakras have the potential of the natural energy that every human has and is resonating. When societal conditioning and continuous external influence are present, the resonance starts to decrease. It needs to be revived for better human functioning.
The tantric practice starts with cleansing the body from negative energy that has been stored over the years. The chakras are then activated according to the need and ease of activation. These practices identify the blockade in energy flow and help to release the blocked energy in the subtle body. As we age, emotional trauma, societal influence, and past experience can hinder the kundalini energy flow. These chakras and tantric practices help in the restoration of the kundalini flow and allow the person to transform with the energies.
Shadow Aspects
It is true that no one knows themselves for real. We hide our inner selves to an extent that even we forget who we actually are. The chakras are bodies of true personalities. The tantric practices liberate not only energies but also the inner self. This is called the shadow aspect, the side of our personality that is hidden even from us.
The hate, the paranoia keeps the true self hidden. Tantric practices help us to embrace our true selves. When the chakras are activated, the body becomes a canvas to be explored and painted on. The unexplored and suppressed elements come forward and are embraced by the mind, body, and spirit. The individual confronts their shadow with open arms and integrates their shadow.
Union of Opposites
The most important transformative aspect of chakras and tantric practices is the union of opposites. Every individual holds the feminine and masculine side, and they are grounded in the nature of the earth. The core concept of tantra is the union of opposites, the embrace, and the union of masculine and feminine energies.
Once this union is achieved and the kundalini energy is restored, this takes us to the next level of the union of the individual consciousness with the universe. It is not just the harmony of the mind, body, and spirit. But the harmony of the surroundings as well. Altogether, make a positive energy.
Health and Mind-Body Connection
The main aim of the entire practice is to restore health to the mind and the body. Aligning and activating the chakras with tantric practice helps keep the mind and body balanced. And spirit healthy.
Chakras are energy orbs that need to be activated for a better human experience. Tantric practice is an ancient Hindu practice for the activation and aligning of these chakras. It is important to understand how the energy flows through us and the universe to restore a natural balance.