Did it ever cross your mind who was the first human to have penetrative sex, and how did he know what to do? Fortunately, the first evidence of penetrative sex dates to 380 million ago, and from that day onwards, the evolution of sexual intercourse in couples started. It is an itch to the brain to wonder how…
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Did you hear before about Singapore Kiss? If we are asked what we can do to improve our sex life, we will probably think about those tricks that have become common places, such as extending preliminaries, trying alternatives like oral sex or anal, dress up in something ridiculous or even whipping or bound with ropes or handcuffs. However we surely…
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The study of pleasure in the context of human closeness goes well beyond conventional ideas of sexual activity. As people want to strengthen their bonds and have significant sensual experiences, the areas of outercourse, petting, and other non-penetrative behaviours have grown in importance. Tantra, an ancient Indian philosophy that emphasises spiritual connection and mindfulness in all facets…
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Are you someone who has recently gained an interest in the best tantra retreats? If so, then are you searching where you can find one of the best tantra retreats around the world? If your answer to these two questions is yes, then worry not, as you have found yourself coming to the right place. In this article,…
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